Saturday, September 19, 2009

A good doze of Shashi Tweets is good for Indian Politics!

Shashi Tharoor as 'Minster Of State for External Affairs' (Former UN Under-Secretary General) is one of the best things to happen to Indian Politics, in order to shake up the Citadel Of Silly Immature Politics in India. There are others like him too in the Congress and I consider it a harbinger of good things and a consolidation in time to come in Enriching the Quality Of the sagging Indian Political Landscape.

The new order needs to gather political momentum and the earlier the better.

Go on Shashi keep t...weeting and let the Indian Politicians get used to it and hopefully some will emulate you too.....
The good thing is Prime Minister "Singh is King" and he is backing you in all of the silly controversy raised by goons!

Some of the Indian Joker Politicians behave like kids. I suggest the silly Indian Politician (who makes much ado of nothing) wear diapers and be given a lollipop each until they grow up and behave well. That would mean diapers and lolipos for almost 75% of the: Lok Sabha (US congress) & Rajya Sabha (US senate equivalent)combined....hmmm!

Time has come to clean the augean stables and induct more genuine folks like Shashi into Politics and not let the old crass order win yet another round!

Is the GOP of India: The Congress Party listening???

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