Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mosque near Ground Zero: what's the clamor all about? is it OK to have one there?

Note: this is an open letter I spontanelusly wrote to a Muslim Friend on facebook.  I felt it was pertinent to replicate the letter on my Blog 'cause of the revevance of the matter and President Obama is also equivocating on the matter.  Although in my opinion, I believe he aught to have taken an emphatic and  firm stand as a Ruler of the Free World.

Dear Khurshid (an open letter to you and all others who ardently support the Islamic Center near Ground Zero, NY)

Assalamu alaikum.

I presume You & many a peace loving Muslim in the US and abroad embrace Islam via the Sufi Sect. Its very well known that these are non-violent groups and that is historically and factually substantiated.

You cannot speak that about Wahhabi and the Osama Bin Ladin and the Taliban types who are also Muslim.

The Sufi like the Aga Khan-is are peaceful Muslims and I know many and I have friends among many of them.

Radical Muslims do not agree with Sufi and Aga Khan-is any way.

Radical Islam is a genuine fear in the hearts and minds of people any where. Its not just Christians. Even Hindus and other religions fear them.

When you talk about Islam and pro Mosque at Ground Zero, the larger mass or the people you propose to reach with one line pro mosque and right wing hatred you are playing a part in racing up a ruckus quiet unnecessarily as well and its not becoming of a Sufi or Aga Khans Muslim to do that. Yes Right Wingers have an agenda and so do radicals from any Faith. I for one am very against mixing Politics and Religion. Right-wingers are a non issue any way when it comes to Politics. Proof: guys like Pat Robertson, Late Jerry Falwell or the like do not count even among the larger Christian Community, even if they have the money to hold TV programs et al and wield some influence. So do not use that as a fetish to support the Mosque.

More than any thing else its peoples sensitivities that have been hurt on 9/11 and from then on. The larger Radical Sunni group caused that.

If it was not them then it could have been the Radical Shia.

You cannot deny the fact that people in general have that ingrained and have left an indelible mark on them.

YES, people in America are ignorant on many matters and goading them into submission via one line matters about right wing agenda and such matters are not helpful.

Please understand how hurt people are about how much has been seared across the face of this most tolerant of Nations in the entire world other than India and some west European Nations. The Islamization of Europe has not gone well and you know that.

I respect you as a Sufi or Aga Khani Islamist but if you are a Radical on the types of the Taliban and Al Qaida Wahhabi then what you are proscribing is a slow end to the Western Freedom and fundamental rights of an Individual.

That is plain wrong, after the Western Education you have acquired and all else that comes with it.

I ask you this as an American and not as a person with a religious interest.

Far be that from me to do so. Thank you for perusing this matter and I have no malice towards you are any Muslim be it Sufi, AgaKhani, Sunni or Shia types. BUT I love FREEDOM and surely do not want to see the Islamization of the United States Of America. America is a Secular Nation and not a Christian Nation any way. On 9/11 that Secular Innocence was violated and people are distraught 'cause of that. So please cease from blaming every ill on the Republican Party.

Howard Dean a respected Doctor /Politician and the former DEM Party chair has also joined the matter about opposing the building of a Mosque at Ground Zero.

He is not a Republican. I appeal to you with folded hands to be aware of peoples feelings and that cuts across religions here in the US.

Here is an example of a British Citizen on You Tube and what he has to say about the matter. Again its just an opinion but he raises poignant questions.

I would also like to ask:

What is the guarantee that in your lofty and idealistic desire to see an Islamic Center and Mosque built near Ground Zero does not have Wahhabi and other Radicals piggy back riding on your innocent desires and to later pose a security threat to the United States? That may be too late.

Surely that is the case in Europe and the bombings and the chaos that abounds there due to attempted Islamization. Please answer. Do not skittle this matter or delete it.

Of course you have the freedom to delete and avoid answering.

I ask the above out of a clear conscience. There is no deviousness or guile in my mind to ask this openly. Majority of the people in the US are nice folks and they just gloss over matters cause they do not understand subtle nuances of issues out there. But deep down they want to know. Just consider I am asking on their behalf too.

There may be spelling and grammar errors in this letter. I wrote spontaneously as feelings came to mind and from other gleanings on a matter that is dear to every freedom loving person across Religions. No right thinking person will want to experience the Islamization of the United States. I have respect for all Religions and by Faith I am a Christian and not a Right Wing agenda guy. The LORD of my life never meddled with Politics. HE said render unto Caesar what belongs to him and render to GOD what belongs to GOD. Its a quote taken from the Bible>Mark 12:17. He accepted human government and gave himself up to human authorities to die as a human 'cause HE loves mankind. That was HIS message while on earth. Whether one chooses to believe in HIM or ignore him or call him what ever. He did his part. This whole letter has been framed without any malice towards any one or any religion. I love and respect all religions.

I was taught to do so in my formative years growing up in India and I value that teaching to me and my siblings by my earthly parents. I am proud to bring that heritage and values with me here in the US, as an American Citizen.

Thanks Khurshid,

With regards & affection,


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