Form # 4868. Two More Days including Today until 11:59 PM PST & HAST
This Morning I was just musing over the above IRS Form (be it via Electronic Media, Papyrus & more Contemporary Transmission options), & in Its Goodness.
I Determined in My Heart, I am Not Going to Loose My Peace over Irreverence perpetrated over me by other fellow Homosapien mortals, who do not get it & perhaps never will.
YET Many A Gentle Ordinary Folks of the USA DO NOT Understand the Blessing and Goodness of that Form.
They believe in Exercising Immense Pressure, Arm Twisting Tactics, Threats, Angry Phone Calls, Txt, Twitter Expressions, leaving Nasty Voice Mail messages to their Tax Professional, who is actually on their Side all along as an Honest Broker, connecting the Tax Payer with their Favorite Uncle.
The Tax Professional Tries to Explain in every which way he/she humanly can to see the Goodness of The Extension form Sighted Above.
In short, every which way to Treat The Tax Professional: A fellow Human Being as a VESTIGE Organ and in the most demeaning & inhuman way possible is depicted.
[Oh Reader I wrote this piece for Humor's Sake, Mixed with Reality & Hyperbole i.e.; Exaggeration/Overstatement/Magnification/Embroidery/Embellishment/Excess/Overkill/Rhetoric.
However there is a Message in it. Take it and Read it with Laughter, Chai and Biscuits]
Why Oh Why, I Wonder, Every Year around this Time????
CHANAKYA is Applauded the World Over and Down the Ages as an Ace Diplomat in India as Are Aristotle and other Greek Sages, HOWEVER, Every Year it is the INDIAN who Never Gets the Wisdom of the Form # 4868, I should Genuinely Like to Think.
You can Attempt: “Saam, Daam, Dand & Bhed” The Four Keys of Wisdom taught by The ACE CHANAKYA, But The Indian American Cannot Get It!. Mera Pahle...he/she rants....not knowing, that the Professional means well, All along.
Long Back There Only Used to Be Paper Forms of Tax Filing.
Even in that Age, I used to see the Immense Pressure exercised at the Firm where I worked as an Apprentice or CA (I am referring to my times Back In India)
Then came Software, Then e-filing, The SaaS Environment, which is here to Stay be it in the US or elsewhere in the Sane World too such as Canada, Australia, Western Europe (EU) and England.
Please Note with Every Advancement of Sophistication, there is Yet One Common Thread and Vital Thread that Keeps it All together and that is The Very Human: Tax Professional.
He, She has a Life. Be Gentle, Kind and Considerate to that Mortal, Won't You, Dear Reader ?
He, She Too Has A Life, despite all the Tools, Wherewithal, Extraneous Circumstances, that He or She has to Deal With to Ensure the Proper Preparation and E-filing of Your Annual Tryst with The IRS via Tax Returns. Be they: 1040/1065/1120-S/990/709....etc.
Do not Brow Beat that Individual into a twisted mangled submitted Slave (its A Hyperbole, not in the physical sense I am saying it) But the feelings and emanations are like that of a Slave.
April 15, is A Tarique (Date). There is Life Beyond it and its through a Simple Mechanism Known as Form 4868. Use it, Avail it.