Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Comment on the Teflon Tribe of India

Hi Suhel,

Right On!

You have hit the nail on the head and the Teflon Tribe is the bed rock of the cess pool of corruption in India! It’s the Giant Black Hole of corruption that pulls in Politicians, Entrepreneurs and the Aaam Admi due to his/her misfortunes.

The tribe loves the system since it breeds the decay and keeps their coffers full.

This tribe knows very well that the jack pot is the old behemoth and archaic ancient administrative system inherited from the British Raj and that no 'Indian in Public Service' or the 'Government in power' has the juice in their ----- to tear it down.

As you have pointed out the fault line in your article it would be nice if you could do a follow up blog on how to tear down the old edifice.

May be people in power and those who can do some thing about it do not know how to shatter it and rebuild all over again.

Please be that guiding light too!

India needs that expertise desperately....the Question for the hour is: "who will bell the cat"? Or should it be rephrased as "who will conquer this Anaconda/Python???"


Koshy George
San Jose, CA

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is it the end of Free Market Enterprise!

Some are prone to think that the US is done with and it does not matter any more!

How wrong!

Recently I was prompted to respond to an individual who commented on CNN IBN and those comments are replicated below:

The world is a Global village and boundaries on the lines you are touting have actually dwindled or are on their way out.I highly recommend this book to you:"The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century" an international bestselling book by Thomas L. Friedman.In the context of the understanding gleaned from that book there is no desertion from one's country.Even Adam Smith the Father of Economics or a Samuelson and others never thoughts on those lines about gifts and endowments within people groups of the world.Please do read and appreciate the contents in the light of the matters explained.India and Indians are a major contributory to the World and so has Dr. Mohammed Yunus a Nobel Laureate from Bangla Desh and Ravi Shankar of India and ......and.....and....the list goes on!Where is the questioning of abandoning your country?Since time immemorial the earth belonged to man kind and he/she is welcome to explore and settle where he/she pleases to expand one self.Coming to America, its a land of opportunities and many an Indian has become a Global Indian belonging to all nations of the world due to the abilities enabled by this Great Nation just as India opened its arms to invading armies since centuries back. Many of them did exercise the choice to settle there and make India great! Some decided to go back to their own lands and so be it.America is the land of Free Market Enterprise and breeds its own situations largely determined by Market Conditions and some times determined by the havoc wrought by the people in power, miscalculations and abuse. Such as is the case right now.That does not mean America is to be written off as a has been!Do not make that mistake as you watch events in the world unfolding and prejudge.There are many Indian Americans who love India as deeply as when they first left its shores and they love this new land of their adoption. At no point have they felt ungrateful, I should like to think and embrace.The more we Indians live out our lives on this Global Platform called Earth we should be humble and devoid of religious, caste, creed and we Indians of India alone in its exclusivity thoughts far and far away behind us.I sincerely hope I have been able to help you assimilate and comprehend matters as a fellow Indian.As a Global Indian I plead with you and other Indians with similar dispositions and also people with Mutalik's bent of mind (infamous Mangalorean Taliban) please do not fan parochial flames in the world we live in as you live and breathe the same air 24/7.Try a different tune and see how beautiful the world truly is even with all the negatives abounding! Look to see what you can do to make a positive effect in the world we live in and join the growing tribe of this humanity.

Mangalore & BJPs' fortunes at the 2009 Hustings

The BJP & its Sub Divisions are on a train wreck hurtling down into a ditch, all in one go!

Seems like their goose is already cooking with their nonsensical vituperation on their appalling Mangalore incident interpretations!

The BJP has indeed caught a tiger by the tail by being on the wrong side of Moral Policing and every actor they have put up on the media stage to speak in their defense is becoming a laughing stock and a mockery and a sham.

Thanks for bungling along the way.

Seems like their folks are drunk on Som Ras....keep drinking lots of it until the hustings....please!

Here at this link are some more hilarious moments. This time its their alter ego: "The Taliban minded asli folks"